Stephen Senn Publications





1.         Senn, SJ, Cross-over Trials in Clinical Research, John Wiley: Chichester, 1993.

2.         Senn, SJ, Statistical Issues in Drug Development, John Wiley: Chichester, 1997.

3.         Senn, SJ, Cross-over Trials in Clinical Research, Wiley: Chichester, 2002.

4.         Senn, SJ, Dicing with Death, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2003.

5.         Senn, SJ, Statistical Issues in Drug Development, Wiley: Hoboken, 2007.


Book Chapters


6.         Senn, SJ, Data analysis, in The Research Process in Nursing, Cormack, D., Ed., Blackwells;1984 pp.

7.         Senn, SJ, The AB/BA cross-over: how to perform the two-stage analysis if you can't be persuaded that you shouldn't., in Liber Amicorum Roel van Strik, Hansen, B., and de Ridder, M., Eds., Erasmus University, Rotterdam;1996 pp. 93-100.

8.         Hothorn, LA, Hauschke, D, Senn, SJ, Lehmacher, W, Cross-over trials: references of the last six years, in Cross-over  Clinical Trials, Hothorn, L., and Vollmar, J., Eds., Fischer, Stuttgart;1997 pp. 73-96.

9.         Regan, P, Senn, SJ, Project prioritisation in drug development: a case study in collaboration, in Bayesian Decision Analysis, French, S., and Smith, J. Q., Eds., Arnold, London;1997 pp.

10.       Senn, SJ, Lillienthal, J, Patalano, F, Till, MD, An incomplete blocks cross-over in asthma: a case study in collaboration, in Cross-over Clinical Trials, Vollmar, J., and Hothorn, L. A., Eds., Fischer, Stuttgart;1997 pp. 3-26.

11.       Senn, SJ, Baseline adjustment in longitudinal studies, in Encyclopedia in Biostatistics, Vol. 1, Armitage, P., and Colton, T., Eds., Wiley, New York;1998 pp. 253-257.

12.       Senn, SJ, Cross-over trials, in Encyclopedia in Biostatistics, Vol. 2, Armitage, P., and Colton, T., Eds., Wiley, New York;1998 pp. 1033-1049.

13.       Senn, SJ, Pharmaceutical statistics, in Encyclopedia in Biostatistics, Vol. 4, Armitage, P., and Colton, T., Eds., Wiley, New York;1998 pp. 3323-3331.

14.       Senn, SJ, Crossover Design, in Encyclopedia of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Chow, S. C., and Liu, J. P., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York;2000 pp. 142-149.

15.       Senn, SJ, Within patient studies:Cross-over trials and n-of-1 studies (, in Interactive Textbook of Clinical Research, Max, M., and Lynn, J., Eds., National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Bethesda;2001 pp.

16.       Senn, SJ, Statistical issues in clinical trials in neurology, in Clinical Trials in Neurolog, Guiloff, R., Ed., Springer;2001 pp. 95-103.

17.       Senn, SJ, Rosati, N, Project Selection,Decision Analysis and Profitability in the Pharmaceutical Industry, in Business Briefing : Pharmatech 2002, London;2002 pp. 18-21.

18.       Senn, SJ, P-Values, in Encylopedia of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Chow, S. C., Ed., Marcel Dekker;2003 pp. 685-695.

19.       Senn, SJ, John Nelder: From general balance to generalised models (both linear and hierarchical), in Methods and Models in Statistics: In Honour of Professor John Nelder, FRS, Adams, N. M., Crowder, M. J., Hand, D. J., and Stephens, D. A., Eds., Imperial College Press, London;2004 pp.

20.       Senn, SJ, Justice, Rawlsian Theory of, in Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Kotz, S., Read, C. B., Balakrishnan, N., and Vadokovic, B., Eds., Wiley, New York;2004 pp.

21.       Senn, SJ, Bernoullis, The, in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science , edited by, Vol. 1, Everitt, B. S., and Howell, D. C., Eds., Wiley, Chichester;2005 pp. 150-153.

22.       Senn, SJ, Active Control Equivalence Studies, in Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics,, Everitt, B. S., and Palmer, C. R., Eds., Hodder Arnold;2005 pp. 1-2.

23.       Senn, SJ, Baseline measurements, in Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics,, Everitt, B. S., and Palmer, C. R., Eds., Hodder Arnold;2005 pp. 19-22.

24.       Senn, SJ, Cross-over Trials, in Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics,, Everitt, B. S., and Palmer, C. R., Eds., Hodder Arnold;2005 pp. 88-91.

25.       Burman, C-F, Grieve, AP, Senn, S, Decision Analysis in Drug Development, in Pharmaceutical Statistics Using SAS: A Practical Guide, Dmitrienko, A., Chuang-Stein, C., and Agostino, R., Eds., SAS Institute, Cary;2007 pp. 385-428.

26.       Senn, SJ, How much shyster do you want with your quack? Medicines, data, proof and litigation., in Medicine and Industry: Changing Paradigms in Health Law, Policy and Ethics, Tomossy, G. F., Weisstub, D. N., and Campbell, T., Eds.;2010 pp. (in preparation)


Research papers


27.       Senn, SJ, Shaw, H. Resource allocation. Some problems in applying the national formula to area and district revenue allocations, J Epidemiol Community Health 1978; 32: 22-27.

28.       Taylor, S, Senn, S, Potton, R. Patient-nurse dependency, Nursing Times 1978; 74: 755-758.

29.       Senn, SJ. A sixty year old medical record, Medical Record and Health Care Information Journal 1979; 20: 528-531.

30.       Senn, SJ. The graphical representation of hospital bed provision, Hospital and Health Services Review 1980; 76: 130-131.

31.       Senn, SJ, Samson, W. Estimating hospital catchment populations, The Statistician 1981; 31: 81-96.

32.       Mowe, G, King, B, Senn, SJ. Tropic responses of fungi to wood volatiles, Journal of General Microbiology 1983; 129: 779-784.

33.       Senn, SJ, Brown, RA. Estimating treatment effects in clinical trials subject to regression to the mean, Biometrics 1985; 41: 555-560.

34.       Senn, SJ. A note concerning the analysis of an epidemic of Q fever, International Journal of Epidemiology 1988; 17: 891-893.

35.       Senn, SJ, Collie, G. Accident blackspots and the bivariate negative binomial, Road Traffice Engineering and Control 1988; 29: 168-169.

36.       Senn, SJ, Davidson, S. Errors in assessing the demand for inpatient treatments, Applied Economics 1988; 20: 407-415.

37.       Senn, SJ. The use of baselines in clinical trials of bronchodilators, Statistics in Medicine 1989; 8: 1339-1350.

38.       Senn, SJ. Covariate imbalance and random allocation in clinical trials [see comments], Statistics in Medicine 1989; 8: 467-475.

39.       Senn, SJ, Brown, RA. Maximum likelihood estimation of treatment effects for samples subject to regression to the mean, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 1989; 18: 3389-3406.

40.       Senn, SJ. Regression: a new mode for an old meaning?, The American Statistician 1990; 44: 181-183.

41.       Senn, SJ, Auclair, P. The graphical representation of clinical trials with particular reference to measurements over time [published erratum appears in Statistics in Medicine 1991 Mar;10(3):487], Statistics in Medicine 1990; 9: 1287-1302.

42.       Senn, SJ. Falsificationism and clinical trials [see comments], Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10: 1679-1692.

43.       Senn, SJ, Hildebrand, H. Crossover trials, degrees of freedom, the carryover problem and its dual, Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10: 1361-1374.

44.       Senn, SJ. Inherent difficulties with active control equivalence studies, Statistics in Medicine 1993; 12: 2367-2375.

45.       Senn, SJ. Statistical issues in short term trials in asthma, Drug Information Journal 1993; 27: 779-791.

46.       Senn, SJ. The AB/BA crossover: past, present and future?, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1994; 3: 303-324.

47.       Senn, SJ. Testing for baseline balance in clinical trials, Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 1715-1726.

48.       Senn, SJ. Fisher's game with the devil, Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 217-230.

49.       Senn, SJ, Richardson, W. The first t-test, Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 785-803.

50.       Senn, SJ. A personal view of some controversies in allocating treatment to patients in clinical trials [see comments], Statistics in Medicine 1995; 14: 2661-2674.

51.       Senn, SJ. Cross-over trials at the cross-roads?, Applied Clinical Trials 1995; 4: 24-31.

52.       Senn, SJ. Base logic: baseline balance in randomized clinical trials, Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs 1995; 12: 171-182.

53.       Senn, SJ. Some controversies in designing and analysing cross-over trials, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 1995; 15: 27-39.

54.       Senn, SJ. Some statistical issues in project prioritization in the pharmaceutical industry, Statistics in Medicine 1996; 15: 2689-2702.

55.       Senn, SJ. A general practitioner's obstetric diary, Student 1996; 1: 205-210.

56.       Senn, SJ. Are placebo run ins justified?, British Medical Journal 1997; 314: 1191-1193.

57.       Grieve, A, Senn, S. Estimating treatment effects in clinical crossover trials, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1998; 8: 191-233; discussion 235-147.

58.       Senn, SJ. Some controversies in planning and analysing multi-centre trials, Statistics in Medicine 1998; 17: 1753-1765; discussion 1799-1800.

59.       Senn, SJ. In the blood: proposed new requirements for registering generic drugs, Lancet 1998; 352: 85-86.

60.       Senn, SJ. Further statistical issues in project prioritization in the pharmaceutical industry, Drug Information Journal 1998; 32: 253-259.

61.       Senn, SJ. Mathematics: governess or handmaiden?, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D-The Statistician 1998; 47: 251-259.

62.       Senn, SJ, Lambrou, D. Robust and realistic approaches to carry-over, Statistics in Medicine 1998; 17: 2849-2864.

63.       Senn, SJ, Ezzet, F. Clinical cross-over trials in phase I, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1999; 8: 263-278.

64.       Senn, SJ. Consensus and controversy in pharmaceutical statistics (with discussion), The Statistician 2000; 49: 135-176.

65.       Senn, SJ. The many modes of meta, Drug Information Journal 2000; 34: 535-549.

66.       Senn, SJ, Stevens, L, Chaturvedi, N. Repeated measures in clinical trials: simple strategies for analysis using summary measures, Statistics in Medicine 2000; 19: 861-877.

67.       Bax, R, Bywater, R, Cornaglia, G, Goossens, H, Hunter, P, Isham, V, Jarlier, V, Jones, R, Phillips, I, Sahm, D, Senn, S, Struelens, M, Taylor, D, White, A. Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance - what, how and whither?, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2001; 7: 316-325.

68.       Senn, SJ. The Misunderstood Placebo, Applied Clinical Trials 2001; 10: 40-46.

69.       Senn, SJ. Two cheers for P-values, Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2001; 6: 193-204.

70.       Senn, SJ. Cross-over trials in drug development: theory and practice, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2001: 29-40.

71.       Senn, SJ. Statistical issues in bioequivalence, Statistics in Medicine 2001; 20: 2785-2799.

72.       Senn, SJ. Individual Therapy: New Dawn or False Dawn, Drug Information Journal 2001; 35: 1479-1494.

73.       Brusasco, V, Crimi, E, Gherson, G, Nardelli, R, Oldani, V, Francucci, B, Della Cioppa, G, Senn, S, Fabbri, L. Actions other than Smooth Muscle Relaxation may Play a Role in the Protective Effects of Formoterol on the Allergen-Induced Late Asthmatic Reaction, Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2002; 15: 399-406.

74.       Senn, SJ. Maintaining the integrity of the scientific record. Scientific standards observed by medical journals can still be improved, British Medical Journal 2002; 324: 169.

75.       Senn, SJ. Ethical considerations concerning treatment allocation in drug development trials, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2002; 11: 403-411.

76.       Sjolie, AK, Bilous, R, Chaturvedi, N, Fuller, J, Fox, Y, George, M, Parving, HH, Klein, R, Orchard, T, Porta, M, Svensson, S, Warnold, I, Price, G, Aldington, S, Bezodis, P, Daly, S, Delecluse-Brown, F, Bjersing, M, Hogan, E, Holloway, J, Kenny, D, Krisin, E, Lipinski, H, O'Mahoney, R, Stirling, J, Wilhelmsen, L, Bird, A, Senn, S, Bermann, G, Cooper, M, Schernthaner, G, Pirags, V, Gardiner, R, Rusavy, Z, Charbonnel, B, Massin, P, Martin, S, Katsilambros, N, Kerenyi, Z, Raz, I, Strojek, K, Gardete, L, Ramalho, S, Dedov, I, Bonnici, F, Gomis, R, Agardh, CD, Ilkova, H. The Diabetic Retinopathy Candesartan Trials (DIRECT) Programme, rationale and study design, Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 2002; 3: 255-261.

77.       Barrett, JP, Vardulaki, KA, Conlon, C, Cooke, J, Daza-Ramirez, P, Evans, EGV, Hawkey, PM, Herbrecht, R, Marks, DI, Moraleda, JM, Park, GR, Senn, SJ, Viscoli, C. A systematic review of the antifungal effectiveness and tolerability of amphotericin B formulations, Clinical Therapeutics 2003; 25: 1295-1320.

78.       Burman, C-F, Senn, SJ. Examples of option value in drug development, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2003; 2: 113-125.

79.       Lesaffre, E, Senn, S. A note on non-parametric ANCOVA for covariate adjustment in randomized clinical trials, Statistics in Medicine 2003; 22: 3583-3596.

80.       Senn, SJ. A conversation with John Nelder, Statistical Science 2003; 18: 118-131.

81.       Senn, SJ. Individual response to treatment: is it a valid assumption?, British Medical Journal 2004; 329: 966-968.

82.       Senn, SJ. Added Values: Controversies concerning randomization and additivity in clinical trials, Statistics in Medicine 2004; 23: 3729-3753.

83.       Senn, SJ, D'Angelo, G, Potvin, D. Carry-over in cross-over trials in bioequivalence: theoretical concerns and empirical evidence, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2004; 3: 133-142.

84.       Senn, SJ, Lee, S. The analysis of the AB/BA cross-over trial in the medical literature, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2004; 3: 123-131.

85.       Senn, SJ. An early "Atkins' Diet": RA Fisher analyses a medical "experiment", Biometrical Journal 2006; 48: 193-204.

86.       Senn, SJ. Change from baseline and analysis of covariance revisited, Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25: 4334–4344.

87.       Senn, SJ. Cross-over trials in Statistics in Medicine: the first '25' years, Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25: 3430-3442.

88.       Senn, S, Graf, E, Caputo, A. Stratification for the propensity score compared with linear regression techniques to assess the effect of treatment or exposure, Statistics in Medicine 2007; 26: 5529-5544.

89.       Senn, SJ. Trying to be precise about vagueness, Statistics in Medicine 2007; 26: 1417-1430.

90.       Senn, SJ, Bretz, F. Power and sample size when multiple endpoints are considered, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2007.

91.       Miller, CJ, Senn, S, Mezzanotte, WS. Bronchodilation of formoterol administered with budesonide: Device and formulation effects, Contemporary Clinical Trials 2008; 29: 114-124.

92.       Senn, S. Lessons from TGN1412 and TARGET: implications for observational studies and meta-analysis, Pharm Stat 2008; 7: 294-301.

93.       Senn, S. A note concerning a selection "Paradox" of Dawid's, American Statistician 2008; 62: 206-210.

94.       Senn, SJ. Subgroups,significance, and circumspection, Biomedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology 2008; 2: 11-21.

95.       Tashkin, DP, Celli, B, Senn, S, Burkhart, D, Kesten, S, Menjoge, S, Decramer, M. A 4-year trial of tiotropium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 1543-1554.

96.       Senn, S, Julious, S. Measurement in clinical trials: A neglected issue for statisticians?, Stat Med 2009.

97.       Senn, SJ. Overstating the evidence: double counting in meta-analysis and related problems, BMC Med Res Methodol 2009; 9: 10.

98.       Senn, S. Hans van Houwelingen and the Art of Summing up, Biometrical Journal 2010; 52: 85-94.

99.       Senn, SJ. Statistics and realism--three case histories, Medical Record and Health Care Information Journal 1978; 19: 455-457.

100.     Senn, SJ. Health administration: pricing the information, Health and Social Services Journal 1978; 88: 307.

101.     Senn, SJ. Can you really catch cold from a comet?, New Scientist 1981: 244-246.


Review articles and book reviews


102.     Senn, SJ. Statistics for nurses. 3. The truths behind the figures, Nursing Mirror 1982; 154: 32-34.

103.     Senn, SJ. Statistics for nurses. 2. More than coincidence, Nursing Mirror 1982; 154: 38-40.

104.     Senn, SJ. Statistics for nurses. 1. Are your data correct?, Nursing Mirror 1982; 154: 34-35.

105.     Senn, SJ. Review of Howson and Urbach, Scientific Reasoning, the Bayesian Approach, Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10: 1161-1162.

106.     Senn, SJ. Review of Bennet (Ed) Statistical Inference and Analysis, Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10: 1326.

107.     Senn, SJ. Review of Schwartz, D. Le Jeu de la Science et du Hasard, ISCB News 1994; 16: 27.

108.     Senn, SJ. Review of Wooding, Planning Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1994: 423-433.

109.     Senn, SJ. Review of Adams, J. Risk, Statistics in Medicine 1995; 14: 1727-1728.

110.     Senn, SJ. Review of Chow and Liu, Applied Clinical Trials 1998: 68.

111.     Senn, SJ. Statistical quality in analysing clinical trials, Good Clinical Practice Journal 2000; 7: 22-26.

112.     Senn, SJ. Review of Chow & Liu, Design and Analysis of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies (2nd Edition), Biometrics 2000; 56: 957-969.

113.     Senn, SJ. Review of Matthews, Applied Clinical Trials 2000: 156.

114.     Senn, SJ. The unpleasant placebo?, Chance 2002; 15: 27-29.

115.     Senn, SJ. Review of Biometrika One Hundred Years., International Journal of Epidemiology 2002; 31: 269.

116.     Senn, SJ. Review of Jones, D Pharmaceutical Statistics, The Industrial Pharmacist 2002: 21.

117.     Senn, SJ. Bayesian, likelihood and frequentist approaches to statistics, Applied Clinical Trials 2003; 12: 35-38.

118.     Senn, SJ. When is a drug not a drug, Significance 2004; 1: 159-161.

119.     Senn, SJ. Measurement theory and practice: The world through quantification, Nature 2005; 434: 22-23.

120.     Senn, SJ. An unreasonable prejudice against modelling?, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2005; 4: 87-89.

121.     Senn, SJ. At Cross-Purposes: Cross-Over Trials in Theory and Practice, International Chinese Statistical Association Bulletin 2005: 50-53.

122.     Senn, SJ. Baseline Balance and Valid Statistical Analyses: Common Misunderstandings, Applied Clinical Trials 2005; 14: 24-27.

123.     Senn, SJ. Review of Machin, Day and Green: Textbook of Clnical Trials, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2005; 4: 8-82.

124.     Senn, SJ. Sharp tongues and bitter pills, Significance 2006; 3: 123-125.

125.     Senn, SJ. Review of Wang and Bakhai 'Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Reporting', Applied Clinical Trials 2006; 15: 75.

126.     Senn, SJ. Review of Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry (3rd edn). C. Ralph Buncher and Jia-Yeong Tsay (eds), Statistics in Medicine 2006; 26: 1651-1652.

127.     Senn, SJ. Lessons from TGN1412, Applied Clinical Trials 2007; 16: 18-22.

128.     Senn, SJ. Safety First, Significance 2007; 4.

129.     Senn, SJ. Pills, probabilities and precautions, Pharmaceutical Physician 2008; 18: 6-10.

130.     Senn, SJ. A century of t-tests, Significance 2008; 5: 37-39.

131.     Senn, SJ. The t-test tool, Significance 2008; 5: 40-41.

132.     Senn, SJ. Three things every medical writer should know about statistics, The write stuff 2009; 18: 159-162.




133.     Senn, SJ. Smoking in pregnancy and low weight babies: a statistical consideration [letter], British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 1977; 31: 272-273.

134.     Senn, SJ. Atlantic flue, New Scientist 1978: 124.

135.     Senn, SJ. Selective interventions to reduce perinatal mortality [letter], Lancet 1979; 2: 1074-1075.

136.     Senn, SJ. The safest place of birth [letter], Lancet 1979; 2: 523.

137.     Senn, SJ. Computers in nursing, Nursing Times 1980: 1663.

138.     Senn, SJ. Resource allocation, Hospital and Health Services Review 1980: 375-376.

139.     Senn, SJ. Statistical Test, New Scientist 1981; 90: 581.

140.     Senn, SJ. Some comments on 'The calculation of catchment populations within the National Health Service', The Statistician 1981; 30: 73-75.

141.     Senn, SJ. Statistical errors, Nursing Times 1981: 1588.

142.     Senn, SJ. Infection statistics, New Scientist 1982: 258-259.

143.     Senn, SJ. Catchment populations, Community Medicine 1983; 5: 170-171.

144.     Senn, SJ. Long odds on probability, Health and Social Service Journal 1985: 50.

145.     Senn, SJ. There were 10 in the Bed and the little one said, The Health Service Journal 1986: 118.

146.     Senn, SJ. Rousing arguments over resource allocation, The Health Service Journal 1986: 1129.

147.     Dagpunar, J, Lawson, A, Senn, S. Sober view of AIDS [letter], Nature 1987; 328: 10.

148.     Senn, SJ. Contingent contagious constraints [letter], Nature 1987; 329: 22.

149.     Senn, SJ. Correcting for regression in assessing the response to treatment in a selected population [letter], Statistics in Medicine 1987; 6: 727-728.

150.     Senn, SJ. How much of the placebo 'effect' is really statistical regression? [letter], Statistics in Medicine 1988; 7: 1203.

151.     Senn, SJ. Cross-over trials, carry-over effects and the art of self-delusion, Statistics in Medicine 1988; 7: 1099-1101.

152.     Senn, SJ. Combining outcome measures: statistical power is irrelevant [comment], Biometrics 1989; 45: 1027-1028.

153.     Senn, SJ. Covariance analysis in generalized linear measurement error models [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1990; 9: 583-586.

154.     Senn, SJ. Analysis of serial measurements in medical research [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1990; 300: 680.

155.     Senn, SJ. Clinical trials and epidemiology, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1990; 43: 628-632.

156.     Senn, SJ. The mean predicts the number of deviants., British Medical Journal 1990; 301: 1394.

157.     Senn, SJ. Statistics in Clinical-Trials, Lancet 1990; 335: 614-614.

158.     Senn, SJ. Controlled trials in single subjects [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1991; 303: 716-717.

159.     Senn, SJ. Baseline comparisons in randomized clinical trials [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1991; 10: 1157-1159.

160.     Senn, SJ. Problems with the two stage analysis of crossover trials [letter; comment], British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1991; 32: 133.

161.     Senn, SJ. Analysing ordered categorical data [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1991; 302: 51.

162.     Senn, SJ, Richardson, WN, Shaw, M. The use of inhaled formoterol in asthma [letter; comment], Respir Med 1991; 85: 169-170.

163.     Senn, SJ. The ignoble lie [letter; comment], Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1992; 45: 1338-1340.

164.     Senn, SJ. Is the 'simple carry-over' model useful? [published erratum appears in Statistics in Medicine 1992 Sep 15;11(12):1619], Statistics in Medicine 1992; 11: 715-726.

165.     Senn, SJ. Reply to Professor Greenland, Statistics in Medicine 1992; 11: 1264-1265.

166.     Senn, SJ. A random effects model for ordinal responses from a crossover trial [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1993; 12: 2147-2151.

167.     Senn, SJ. Baseline distribution and conditional size [letter; comment] [published erratum appears in Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1994 Nov;4(3):449], Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1993; 3: 265-276.

168.     Senn, SJ. Regression toward the mean in 2 x 2 crossover designs with baseline measurements by Grender, J. M., Johnson, W. D. and Elston, R. C., Statistics in Medicine, 11, 727-741 (1992) [letter; comment] [see comments], Statistics in Medicine 1993; 12: 1086-1089.

169.     Senn, SJ. A comment on the analysis of cross-over trials when within-subject errors follow an AR(1) process, Biometrical Journal 1993; 36: 125-128.

170.     Senn, SJ. True confessions, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1993; 46: 666.

171.     Senn, SJ. Methods for assessing difference between groups in change when initial measurement is subject to intra-individual variation [letter; comment] [see comments], Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 2280-2285.

172.     Senn, SJ. Regression to the mean and crossover trials revisited [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 1181-1186.

173.     Senn, SJ. Importance of trends in the interpretation of an overall odds ratio in the meta-analysis of clinical trials [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 293-296.

174.     Senn, SJ. Repeated measures in clinical trials: analysis using mean summary statistics and its implications for design [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1994; 13: 197-198.

175.     Senn, SJ. Steady-state portfolios and clinical R&D, Applied Clinical Trials 1994; 3: 10-11.

176.     Senn, SJ. In defence of analysis of covariance: a reply to Chambless and Roeback [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1995; 14: 2283-2285.

177.     Senn, SJ, Bakshi, R, Ezzet, N. n of 1 trials in osteoarthritis. Caution in interpretation needed [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1995; 310: 667.

178.     Grieve, AP, Senn, S. A comment on interim analyses in crossover trials, Biometrics 1996; 52: 1515-1520.

179.     Senn, SJ. Relation between treatment benefit and underlying risk in meta- analysis. Standard of "label invariance" should not be abandoned [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1996; 313: 1550-1551.

180.     Senn, SJ. Baseline balance and conditional size: a reply to Overall et al, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1996; 6: 201-210.

181.     Senn, SJ. The case for cross-over trials in phase III [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1997; 16: 2021-2022.

182.     Senn, SJ. Testing for individual and population equivalence based on the proportion of similar responses [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1997; 16: 1303-1306.

183.     Senn, SJ. Statistical basis of public policy. Present remembrance of priors past is not the same as a true prior [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1997; 314: 73.

184.     Senn, SJ. Letter to the Editor: Should drug licensing be more restrictive, Update 1997: 897.

185.     Senn, SJ, Harrell, F. On wisdom after the event [comment] [see comments], Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1997; 50: 749-751.

186.     Senn, SJ. Applying results of randomised trials to patients. N of 1 trials are needed [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1998; 317: 537-538.

187.     Senn, SJ. Mortality and distribution of income. Societies with narrower income distributions are healthier [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1998; 316: 1611-1612.

188.     Senn, SJ. Too soon to market. Statistical aspects of research done outside pharmaceutical industry could be improved [letter; comment], British Medical Journal 1998; 316: 228.

189.     Senn, SJ. Odds ratios revisited, Evidence-Based Medicine 1998; 3: 71.

190.     Senn, SJ, Harrell, FE, Jr. On subgroups and groping for significance [letter; comment], Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1998; 51: 1367-1368.

191.     Davis, DR, Sager, TW, Senn, SJ, Altman, D, McDonald, CJ. Claims for Glandular Supplements still Unsubstantiated, Journal of Applied Nutrition 1999; 51: 106-110.

192.     Senn, SJ. Should the Declaration of Helsinki be revised? [letter; comment], New England Journal of Medicine 1999; 341: 1852; discussion 1853.

193.     Senn, SJ. Medical statisticians, British Medical Journal 1999; 319: 291B.

194.     Senn, SJ, Grieve, AP. A comment on optimal allocations for bioequivalence studies, Biometrics 1999; 55: 1314-1315.

195.     van Houwelingen, H, Senn, S. Investigating underlying risk as a source of heterogeneity in meta- analysis [letter; comment], Statistics in Medicine 1999; 18: 110-115.

196.     Cates, C, Senn, S. Screening mammography re-evaluated [letter; comment], Lancet 2000; 355: 750; discussion 752.

197.     Colquhoun, D, Senn, S. Is NADH effective in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome? [letter], Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2000; 84: 639-640.

198.     Senn, SJ. Review is biased, British Medical Journal 2000; 321: p297.

199.     Senn, SJ. Run ins over consent, Times Higher Educational Supplement 2000: 15.

200.     Senn, SJ. Meta-analysis of increased inhaled steroid or addition of salmeterol in asthma, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 2000; 321: 1016a-.

201.     Senn, SJ. Letter to the Editor: in defence of the linear model, Controlled Clinical Trials 2000; 21: 589 - 592.

202.     Senn, SJ. Screening for breast cancer with mammography, Lancet 2001; 358: 2165.

203.     Senn, SJ. Letter to the editor: Drug development means economics in the end, British Medical Journal 2001; 322: 675.

204.     Senn, SJ. A comment on replication, p-values and evidence S.N.Goodman, Statistics in Medicine 1992; 11:875-879, Statistics in Medicine 2002; 21: 2437-2444.

205.     Senn, SJ. Power is indeed irrelevant in interpreting completed studies, BMJ 2002; 325: 1304-.

206.     Senn, SJ. Author ’s Reply to Walter and Guyatt, Drug Information Journal 2003; 37: 7-10.

207.     Senn, SJ. Response to Senn Paper (Drug Information Journal, 2001;35 : 1479-1494) - Author's reply to Walter and Guyatt, Drug Information Journal 2003; 37: 7-10.

208.     Senn, SJ. Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective - Society's role is important, British Medical Journal 2003; 326: 1456-1457.

209.     Senn, SJ. Competing interests - Consent was not obtained, British Medical Journal 2003; 326: 883-883.

210.     Senn, SJ. Turning a blind eye: Authors have blinkered view of blinding, BMJ 2004; 328: 1135-b-1136.

211.     Senn, SJ. Unbalanced claims for balance, Applied Clinical Trials 2004; 13: 15-16.

212.     Senn, SJ. Placebo misconceptions, Applied Clinical Trials 2004; 13: 14.

213.     Senn, SJ. Bitter Pills and Puffed Trials, PloS Medicine 2005; 2.

214.     Senn, SJ. Letter to the editor: Misunderstandings regarding clinical cross-over trials, Statistics in Medicine 2005; 24: 3675-3678.

215.     Senn, SJ, D'Angelo, G, Potvin, D. Rejoinder, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2005; 4: 216-219.

216.     Senn, SJ. JAMA's policy does not go far enough

10.1136/bmj.332.7536.305-a, British Medical Journal 2006; 332: 305-a-.

217.     Senn, SJ. Coming to terms with "Biometrics", Applied Clinical Trials 2006; 15: 16-18.

218.     Senn, SJ. Blaming the placebo, Applied Clinical Trials 2006; 15: 16.

219.     Senn, SJ. Letter to the Editor: Probabilistic index: an intuitive non-parametric approach to measuring the size of the treatment effects by L. Acion, J. J. Peterson, S. Temple and S. Arndt, Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25: 3944-3948.

220.     Senn, SJ. Epigenetics or ephemeral genetics?, Eur J Hum Genet 2006; 14: 1149.

221.     Senn, S. Drawbacks to noninteger scoring for ordered categorical data, Biometrics 2007; 63: 296-298.

222.     Senn, S. Authors' Reply, Statistics in Medicine 2007.

223.     Senn, S, Costantini, M, Rizzi, G. Meta-Analysis Combining 2 Previously Reported Trials on Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Neonates, Pediatrics 2007; 120: 1224-1225.

224.     Senn, SJ, Scottish Independence, in Prospect, pp. 7 (2007).

225.     Senn, SJ. Drawbacks to Noninteger Scoring for Ordered Categorical Data, Biometrics 2007; 63: 296-299.

226.     Senn, SJ. Know your quantiles, Times Higher Educational Supplement 2007: 15.


Radio and television


227.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to 'Living by Numbers', in Living by Numbers, BBC Radio 4 (1998).

228.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to 'In Search of Certainty', in Open University, BBC2 (2000).

229.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to 'More or Less', in More or less, BBC Radio 4 (2004).

230.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to 'More or Less', in More or Less, BBC Radio 4 (2005).

231.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to 'Does the MMR jab cause autism?' in Horizon, BBC2 (2005).

232.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to programme on clinical trials, in More or Less, BBC Radio 4 (2006).

233.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to programme on snoring in 'Down your Way', UK (2007).

234.     Senn, SJ, Contribution to More or Less, in More or Less, Blastland, M., Ed., BBC (2007).

235.     Senn, SJ, Statistics and Drug Testing, in Science Studio, Pannell, K., Ed., KTEP, El Paso (2008).

236.     Senn, SJ, Understanding drug trials, in More or less, Bowen, I., Ed. (2008).




237.     Senn, SJ. Suspended judgment n-of-1 trials, Controlled Clinical Trials 1993; 14: 1-5.

238.     Senn, SJ. Editorial: regression to the mean, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1997; 6: 99-102.

239.     Scherrer, B, Senn, S. Preface, Statistics in Medicine 1999; 18: 1739.

240.     Senn, SJ. Authorship of drug industry trials, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2002; 1: 5-7.

241.     Senn, SJ. Lost opportunities for statistics, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2003; 2: 3-4.

242.     Senn, SJ. Disappointing dichotomies, Pharmaceutical Statistics 2003; 2: 239-240.

243.     Senn, SJ. Foreword: A blue plaque for Fisher, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D-the Statistician 2003; 52: 297-298.

244.     Senn, SJ, Chadha-Boreham, H, Quantin, C. Untitled - Preface, Statistics in Medicine 2003; 22: 3711-3711.

245.     Senn, SJ, Rosati, N. Editorial: Pharmaceuticals, patents and competition - some statistical issues, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series a-Statistics in Society 2003; 166: 271-277.

246.     Senn, SJ. The two-period cross-over clinical trial: Independent commentary, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2004; 58: S717-S719.

247.     Senn, SJ. 'Equivalence is different' - Some comments on therapeutic equivalence, Biometrical Journal 2005; 47: 104-107.

248.     Senn, SJ. Quantifying the magnitude of baseline covariate imbalances resulting from selection bias in randomized clinical trials - Comment, Biometrical Journal 2005; 47: 133-135.

249.     Senn, SJ. Discussion of paper by Professor Peter Freeman (Further comment in same issue pp1403, 1437, 1524), Statistics in Medicine 1993; 12: 1453-1458.


Comments and discussions


250.     Senn, SJ. Comment on Goldstein and Spiegelhalter, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 1996; 159: 426-427.

251.     Senn, SJ. Comment on Hand, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,  B 1996; 159: 476-477.

252.     Senn, SJ. Some statistical heresies - Discussion, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D-the Statistician 1999; 48: 32-33.

253.     Senn, SJ. Discussion of, Commissioned analysis of surgical performance using routine data: lessons from the Bristol inquiry - Discussion on the paper by Splegelhalter, Aylin, Best, Evans and Murray, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series a-Statistics in Society 2002; 165: 224.

254.     Senn, SJ. Discussion on paper by S Murphy, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 2003; 65: 359.

255.     Senn, SJ. Conditional and marginal models: Another view - Comments and rejoinders, Statistical Science 2004; 19: 228-238.

256.     Senn, SJ. Comment on Farrington and Whitaker: Semiparametric analysis of case series data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C - Applied Statistics 2006; 55: 581-583.

257.     Senn, SJ. Double hierarchical generalized linear models - Discussion, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series: Applied Statistics 2006; 55: 2006.

258.     Senn, SJ. Author's Reply to Sutton et al, Statistics in Medicine 2008; 27: 622-624.

259.     Senn, S. Placebo Misconceptions, American Journal of Bioethics 2009; 9: 53-54.

260.     Senn, SJ. Commentary on ‘Designs for dose–escalation trials with quantitative responses’, Statistics in Medicine 2009; 28: 3754–3758.

261.     Senn, SJ. Comment, Statistical Science 2010; 24: 185-186.


Last updated 2 March 2010